Sunday, 16 December 2012

1/72 BT-2 and BA-10

I have'nt posted in a while, my apologies, exams etc have got in the way.

Rencently I have been doing quite a few small scale builds whilst my entry for the Next Gen 2 campaign on Armorama is on hold. These include a 1/72 Revell FAMO with Wee Friend's excellent stowage set (which I may post soon, it just needs paint), two 1/72 Dragon T-34 (one with Ehkranami) and a 1/72 Trumpeter Strv 103B ( I only bought it because it was on sale, £4.99!).
However, it is the UM BT-2 and OstModel BA-10 that this post will focus on. I used a diffirent method of white camo on each. The BA-10 was sprayed white and had green chips applied on top, whereas the BT was sprayed green and white oils were applied on top (like on my 1/35 BA-10). The BT is nearly complete and I must say that I am not very pleased with it and may go back later and fix it.
Personally I think the BA turned out better then the BT, but look for yourself.

Having only 5 peices excluding wheels, it was real fun to build.
After being sprayed white, Vallejo Camo Olive Green was dry brushed onto the corners and places that would see heavy wear, e.g. the doors. A neutral wash of grey oil was then applied to the whole model to tone down  the contrasting green and white. Small dots of brown oils were then applied to select areas, e.g. where the rear fenders meet the body. A larger, slightly damp with spirits, brush was then used to blend it into the area to give the effect of dirt. I then made a mixture, slightly thicker than a wash, which was then flicked onto the back of the vehicle to simulate mud spatters. Hinges, rivets etc then received a wash of rusty orange. The fuel cap? on the bonnet then got a dot of Abteilung 502 'Engine Grease' streaked down from it. That was pretty much it.

The UM kit is great, the detail is excellent and fit really could'nt be better.
It was painted in almost the exactly the same way as the Zvezda BA-10. If you would like an in depth description of how I painted it just leave a comment. :)

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